2024 Workforce Leaders Symposium SolutionsTalks

Round 1, Tuesday 10:00am-11:00am

TANF Reform and Benefits Cliff

Speakers: Max Robinson & Gloria Oh, Philadelphia Works

Location: Foundry Ballroom F

Description: Presenting policy research on the current state of TANF and how it can be improved to better serve its recipients, in addition to other items folks can advocate for to better address the structural causes of poverty. Additionally, an economic analysis on benefit cliffs for other public assistance programs, including SNAP, Medicaid and Childcare subsidies.

The Power and Influence of Work-Based Learning

Speakers: Darin Van Norman, LCTI

Location: Foundry Ballroom G

Description: This session delves into the significant impact that work-based experiences have on high school students. Participants will explore the firsthand accounts of former career and technical education (CTE) students who engaged in work-based learning and how these experiences shaped their career or college pathways. The presenter will focus on common themes that developed over the course of a two part interview process with the participants. These findings stress the importance and influence that these participants place on their work based learning experiences with local employers. Attendees will leave with a deeper appreciation of the role that real-world experiences play in shaping future workforce members and how to better support these initiatives.

Embracing Core Values: A Blueprint for Leadership Excellence

Speakers: Darrell “Coach D” Andrews

Location: Foundry Ballroom J

Description: In the wake of the pandemic, research underscores the imperative for leaders to adapt their approach in guiding employees through the post-pandemic landscape. Soft skills in leadership have gained prominence as a critical focus area. In this session, we will offer practical strategies aimed at equipping leaders with the tools to leverage core values as a bedrock for guiding their teams in the post-pandemic era.

Round 2, Tuesday 11:15-12:15pm

The Purpose and Impact of Longitudinal Data

Speakers: Colby Claubaugh, PA Longitudinal Data Office

Location: Foundry Ballroom F

Description: Get an update from the Pennsylvania Longitudinal Data System (PALDS) office on their work with education, workforce development, and corrections. Take a glimpse at the latest research findings and explore future project opportunities.

Building Pennsylvania’s Credential Ecosystem

Speakers: Hope Lineman, Commonwealth University & Natalie Cartwright, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE)

Location: Foundry Ballroom G

Description: With over a million unique credentials in the U.S. alone, including degrees, certifications, badges, apprenticeships, licenses, and nearly 60,000 providers of credentials the credential ecosystem is large, complex, and confusing. Credential information is siloed and disconnected, and it is difficult to find comprehensive and quality information. There are many variables to consider such as cost, location, financial assistance, time to completion, credit transfer, stack ability to advanced programs and the target skills and connection to career pathways. Linked open data enables the creation of online tools that help consumers plan and optimize their journeys. PASSHE is piloting the registry with Credential Engine, a non-profit whose mission is to map the credential landscape with clear and consistent information, fueling the creation of resources that empower people to find the pathways that are best for them. This pilot initiative will create a Credential Registry of education, training, and industry credentials to show pathways, transfer values and articulations, linkages to industry certifications, apprenticeships and occupations and powers online user tools and Learner and Employment Records (LERs). In this session we will discuss how this system streamlines data collection, breaks down silos, makes data accessible and actionable.

GOT IDEAS?…join the Lehigh Valley as we share workforce IDEAS, and invite you to share right back!

Speakers: Nancy Dischinat, Workforce Board Lehigh Valley

Location: Foundry Ballroom J

Description: An opportunity for workforce professionals to present new program ideas, program designs, innovative models, implementation strategies, costs, outcomes and sustainability.

Round 3, Tuesday 2:15-3:15pm

GPS Partnership Collaboration: Proven Success with Measurable ROI Results

Speakers: Dr. Marcy McCarty, Chris Dimperio, & Dave Woffington, Elizabethtown College, SGPS

Location: Foundry Ballroom F

Description: Elizabethtown College School of Graduate and Professional Studies (SGPS) embarked on an initiative to become more connected with local and regional businesses to establish a working relationship in improving the needs of the workforce and community. SGPS will share in a case study format through a small panel discussion their partnership model, initial metrics, results, along with benefits from various perspectives.

Why Child Care is Inextricably Linked to Workforce

Speakers: Karen Grimm-Thomas, The Pennsylvania Key, & Andrea Heberlein, Early Learning Investment Commission

Location: Foundry Ballroom G

Description: Please join us for a practical, solutions-oriented session that examines the critical impact child care, or lack thereof, has on economic growth and stability. An array of tested solutions and resources will be provided during this session to empower communities and help them address local childcare gaps – these include promoting employer-based childcare programs and family-friendly policies, matching employers with external childcare programs, and more.

The Employer’s Blueprint for Innovative Workforce Strategies

Speakers: Patti VanCleave, Chester County Economic Development Council, Stephanie Smith, Chester County Workforce Development Board, & Maria O’Connell, PeopleACCEL Solutions

Location: Foundry Ballroom J

Description: This workshop empowers leaders with essential toolkits for transforming and re-imagining the people side of workforce development. Participants will explore topics covered by the toolkits, including actionable steps for assessing leadership readiness, enhancing employee engagement, and attracting diverse talent to align with your organization’s mission. By the end of the workshop, participants will have acquired the insights and tools necessary to implement innovative workforce strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of their organizations, whether at the county, state, or individual company level.

5-Star Workforce Data Tools & Gadgets

Speakers: Kim DeLellis & Ed Legge, CWIA

Location: Foundry Ballroom A

Description: No matter the project at hand, having relevant data enables users to make informed decisions on how to move forward. Knowing where to find the information you need, understanding how to interpret it, and applying to everyday work can seem daunting. CWIA will provide an overview of data, tools, and resources that are readily available to help answer some of the most common questions faced by workforce professionals.

Round 4, Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm

How the Investing in America Agenda Can Provide RA Pathways for Opportunity Youth

Speakers: Alan Dodkowitz, Safal Partners

Location: Foundry Ballroom F

Description: The Investing in America Agenda represents a historic commitment to workforce development with hundreds of billions of dollars earmarked for our nation’s infrastructure, semiconductor industry, and renewable energy sector over the coming years. This substantial investment will necessitate the training of millions of new workers in innovative industries to fill these roles. How will these jobs be filled? What opportunities exist to utilize Registered and Youth Apprenticeship programs to train workers and assist Opportunity Youth? How can the WIOA System connect Opportunity Youth to these Registered Apprenticeship Programs? What specific funds from the Investing in America Agenda can be utilized to support apprenticeship and Opportunity Youth? Join us to hear from U.S. DOL and its’ Registered Apprenticeship Center of Excellence about the core elements of the Investing in America Agenda, what opportunities exist related to how States can utilize funding opportunities to support registered apprenticeship, and how organizations can collaborate to support the implementation of the Agenda while also supporting Opportunity Youth.

Looking Abroad: “Work, Skills and Communities”

Speakers: Rob Cherry, Partner4Work & Natalie Branosky, The New Possible

Location: Foundry Ballroom G

Description: In August 2024, workforce development and philanthropy partners from Pittsburgh joined the U.S. Delegation to Manchester, United Kingdom to experience the Employment and Skills Landscape in the City of Manchester and its boroughs, including suburban and rural areas. This session shows what is newly possible by working with City Leaders and Economic Development, maximizing the involvement of community organizations, and re-imagining the delivery of local services. Pack your bags and grab your passport, we have a story to share!

Identifying Strategic Partners for Expanded Capacity

Speakers: Ashlee Phillips & Kaila Shannon, Philadelphia Works

Location: Foundry Ballroom J

Description: Throughout our experience as the Local Workforce Board for Philadelphia, we recognized the necessity for partnerships to create and provide quality programs for the communities we serve. In this workshop, we will share best practices for identifying the necessary partners, a framework that includes a step-by-step plan to engaging partners in the work and an example of how this has worked within our organization. At the end of this workshop, attendees will have a framework that they can mirror in their own organizations for leveraging partnerships to expand capacity.

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